Thursday, June 4, 2009

13 Reasons Why

I just finished reading the novel "13 Reasons Why" by Jay Asher. I read it in one sitting it's so good. Sure, it's quite depressing, but it really hit me hard. In a nutshell, it's about a teenaged boy, Clay, who gets these tapes from his classmate who committed suicide explaining the 13 reasons why she ended her life. The guy listens to the tapes and follows the map he also gets and learns all these secrets about the people he goes to school with in the process. Most of the reasons are bad ones. The one good one is him. I wonder why the author didn't tell the story thru the eyes of another person. Like Justin, who keeps reappearing throughout the entire story. Or Courtney, the fake but sweet girl that uses the main character, Hannah. Why wouldn't he show some of their grief? I think it's because he wanted the pure grief of Clay. Clay did nothing wrong to her. He liked her, he wanted to get to know her. And his first thought when he hears Hannah telling him why he's a reason isn't "What did I do wrong?" it's "I could have helped." He's completely selfless. He cared about her. He wanted to be there for her. She wouldn't let him be there, though. He may not have been her very best friend, but he saw the real Hannah, if only for one night. He got a glimpse of what everyone was missing out on by using Hannah, ridiculing her, and abusing her. He was the purest soul in the entire book. And by telling the story of Hannah's tapes through his eyes we got an innocent look at the situation. He wanted to stop listening to the tapes. He tried to stop. He couldn't stop. He felt he owed it to Hannah. Even though he did nothing wrong to her, he still felt like he owed her something.
And this makes me think. About how we treat others. And how that treatment doens't just affect them in that one moment or that one night, but it has a lasting effect. It's like having a bad experience with let's say a roller coaster. You go on one, and it gets stuck for hours. After that I bet you're pretty scared to get on another one, huh? I know a lot of people that rubbed me the wrong way that I never gave a second chance to. Or people that made fun of me in grade school I didn't forgive until I got older. The smallest comment can stay with someone forever. And a lot of people don't think before they speak or pass on gossip. I was the victim of gossip in high school, but I learned to brush it off. If people have nothing better to do than to talk about me, they obviously need to get a hobby! I'm just saying think before you speak or act. What you do today could still hurt tomorrow.